This new year, why not take part in the Dry January challenge and give up alcohol for a month or try cutting down the amount of alcohol you drink? Using apps can be a great way to help with this, as well as supporting with other things such as stress, sleep, mental health and stopping smoking.

Explore our top picks of helpful apps below or search for more on the health app finder
MyDrinkaware - Alcohol Tracker
The MyDrinkaware app allows you to check how many units are in different drinks, set goals to reduce alcohol use, understand when you might be at risk of binge drinking, celebrate drink-free days and highlight the links between alcohol and sleep quality.

Healthy Living
Utilities/ Administration
Entirely Free
Level 3
Level 3

NHS Drink Free Days
NHS Drink Free Days is an app to help you manage how much alcohol you drink. You can track days where you do not drink any alcohol to reduce how much alcohol you drink each week, get tips, advice and reminders on how to manage your drinking habits and track your progress.

Healthy Living
Entirely Free
Level 3
Level 3

Sober Grid - Social Network
Sober grid provides access to peer support and other resources which help you stay sober. You can track your sobriety and earn rewards for not drinking.

Healthy Living
In App Purchases
Level 2
Level 2

Local Support Services and More Information
Problematic drug and alcohol use can cause a lot of harm to the individual, the family, the local community and to society as a whole. If you are concerned that you or someone you know needs support, you can visit Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service or Drinkwise Derby. For more information on Dry January, you can visit the Alcohol Change website.
Other Useful Apps
Smiling Mind: Mental Wellbeing
Smiling Mind helps support mental health by showing you how to practice mindfulness meditation and you can also view guides on how to sleep well. There are exercises you can practice daily, with the goal of reducing your stress levels and getting better quality sleep.

Healthy Living
Mental Health
Entirely Free
Level 2
Level 2

NHS Quit Smoking
NHS Quit Smoking works by giving you a guide to follow for 28 days to help you stop smoking. You complete tasks that can help you beat your cravings, focus on your goals and get daily messages of support and advice. You can track how many days you have had without a cigarette and how much money you have saved.

Healthy Living
Entirely Free
Level 2
Level 2

Calm: Sleep & Meditation
Calm: Sleep & Meditation is a wellness app offering guided meditations, sleep stories, and relaxation techniques. The app helps you to sleep better and gives you ways to manage depression, stress and anxiety.

Healthy Living
Mental Health
In App Purchases
Level 2
Level 2

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The health and care app finder contains tried and tested health apps. Expert reviewed for clinical safety and data security. Choose a safe health app to help support and manage your health and wellbeing.
Safe Health Apps
Our health app library only contains compliant health apps, so we can be sure that the ones we recommend meet digital and clinical safety standards. Please be assured we do not expect apps or the library to replace any services you may be using, but rather to complement them.